Saturday, December 31, 2005

why is it easy to fall in love???

when we were younger,
we brag about how hard to write the ABC's
how hard to study those mathematics but now,
I ask myself why is it easy to fall in love?
the substantial things that we need to learn,
those foundations that we need to build,
it seems so hard to achieve but
why do i fall in love so easily?
with just a mere overnight conversation,
creates an eternal and everlasting connection.
i always feel the same way again and again
getting attached with all the risks.
i am so vulnerable,
i admit it and im trying my best to deal with it.
but how come love seems so easy for me,
that it breaks my heart instantly like how it appeared to me.
love love love, for people it seems so complicated.
but i feel the opposite way around.
i easily fall in love, i easily give my heart away.
i cried for love, the uncertainty of its moves.
how it plays my blood and heart to the bowels of my soul.
how it conjures my doors to open wide
just to give me its false promise.
why is it easy to fall in love?
why why why?

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