Sunday, December 04, 2005

handaan wonder?!

whenever im in a party or a gathering that have, of course, a table full of succulent dishes, i always end up wondering why people try to get as much as they can and get all kinds in one for instance last saturday..i went into a debut and was so damn hungry after waiting for the dances and wishes to be said...i got a some food and went back to my table...then i saw these people, that tried to get all kinds..whats the point??? for the sake of getting a bite of all the dishes??? or "hello! its free, get as much as you can" not degrading those who do that but isnt it very improper to be?? isnt it that when people see you grab those delicious food at once, they might think that your being a glutton?? or being so excited of eating those?? or that youve never eaten in 7 days??? or so much more negative feedbacks..hhmm..its just that i always see the same scenario in every party i attend..even those that you expect to show finesse acts the way i talk people of the world try to be aware of what we do in social might make or totally BREAK US!!

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